3 S T E P S T O
G E T S T A R T E D .
^ S l i g h t l y
O f f - C e n t e r
An asymmetrical arrangement
harmonizes objects of many
different shapes and sizes.
Balance a tall, large object with
several smaller ones, but not
too small—mantels swallow
up dinky accessories. Nestle
the assemblage tightly
together to increase its visual
weight, and overlap shapes to
create layers. A concise color
palette gives seemingly
unrelated objects a unifying
theme. Shop your house or
discount stores for items in
the same color family. You
can’t miss with pitchers, plates,
books, and pottery.
Upload them to Shutterfly,
the #1 online photo service*
Turn your favorites into a card at
shutterfly.com /createacard
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